Place Category: Community
Grantown Remakery has two main aims, to repair, recycle and resell items which otherwise would end up in Landfill and of primary importance, to use the processes as a skill development tool for people to learn practical, workplace and additionally, employability skills qualifications through formal training provided by a partner. We support the individuals to develop greater self-confidence, support improvements in Wellbeing, increase local support networks and move individuals closer to the workplace and where possible apprenticeships.
There are very few local services for those with a Learning Disability in the area. Services are available on an ad hoc basis, either parachuted in for short periods or individuals are required to travel where there is a poor travel infrastructure. We provide a work skills learning process linked to work placements and assist those with a disability to achieve a measure of independence.Following the Pandemic many people still have a need to rebuild confidence, to reskill and return to the workplace in a supported manner. We have developed a 6 week course, in ‘Wellbeing through Working with Wood’ in support of those with these difficulties in their lives, in partnership with Centred, a highly regarded Mental Health Charity which provides services on behalf of NHS Highland. We will therefore operate a three day service provision, one for young people from school, one for those with a Learning Disability and one for those suffering from poor wellbeing or mental health. We are also in discussion with Local GP’s to have this course as a ‘Social Prescribing’ option.
We have for some time had a number of individuals coming into the shop seeking very small tasks, ‘Can you sew a button on ?’ , Can I have a look around ?’ etc. Most of these people are elderly and are living alone and what they are really asking is ‘Can I have someone to talk to ?’ We welcome all into the shop and see this developing as a community service.
We therefore meet a range of objectives,
Community – we provide services to the local community through ongoing contact with individuals, groups, and businesses.
We provide cost effective furnishings for individuals, assist in supporting our High Street and provide contact for those alone in the community.
Education – we provide education and development services to enable individuals to achieve their ambitions and to become economically active members of the community.
Environment – we prevent a wide range of items from going to landfill, repurpose them for reuse and encourage individuals to consider the environment.
We provide a service for young families setting up their first home with substantial discounts on their furniture
Health – we support the wellbeing of the individuals who use our services.
We provide a high quality repair service for items of furniture which have been damaged, see our website for examples.All of this work leads to us preventing approximately 10 x 1 Tonne van loads of furniture per year being disposed of in Landfill.
Special Promotions
Flash sales from time to time – watch our Facebook page for details.